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Bayes@Lund2017 – note the date and call for abstracts

Save the date! The fourth edition of Bayes@Lund will be held on 20 April 2017 in Lund, Sweden.

The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and students working with or interested in Bayesian methods. Bayes@Lund aims at being accessible to those with little experience of Bayesian methods while still being relevant to experienced practitioners.

It will feature keynote lectures from Prof. Darren Wilkinson and Prof. Richard McElreath, in addition to a number of contributed talks. On the 19th April there will be a free introductory tutorial to Bayesian analysis.

The conference is free to attend and registration will open in February. For more information see the conference web page:

*** Call for Contributions ***

We’re looking for contributed talks and any topic related to Bayesian analysis is relevant including, but not restricted to:

* Case studies. Have you used Bayesian methods in your research? Describe what you did, and how it worked out.
* Methodology development. Are you developing novel Bayesian methods that you want to share?
* Tutorial style talks. Want to share your favorite tool or modeling technique? This does not have to be novel research, just a useful tool for research!
* Teaching Bayes. Do you have experiences teaching Bayesian methods. What were the challenges, and do you have any useful tips?

To contribute a talk please send a plain text email (no pdf attachments) with the title of your talk, authors names with affiliations, email addresses, and an abstract (not more than 150 words) to

As the audience will be highly heterogeneous, the talk is expected to be accessible and engaging for a multidisciplinary audience.

Deadline for abstracts submission is the 10th of February, 2017  (notification of acceptance sent by 15 February).

Each accepted speaker is given 20 minutes (plus 5 minutes for questions).

We’re looking forward to see you in Lund!


The organizers

Umberto Picchini and Ullrika Sahlin

December 7, 2016

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Intensive and fun -2016’s graduate course on risk, uncertainty and decision making is now completed

This was a course funded by the research schools LUCID and ClimBeco. 26 students participated. We had two physical meetings. One in Lund and one in Gothenburg. The one in Gothenburg included a 1.5 day risk conference – the 2nd Nordic Chapter Risk meeting. We were a bit afraid that it would be too much, but on the contrary – we felt that the students got exposed to high quality keynotes and contributed talks, saw the width of risk research and actually made new connections. The small format of the risk conference (about 100 people) and friendly atmosphere made them feel welcomed.

Me and Åsa Knaggård decided to have this course since we had a similar one when we were PhD-students. Now, ten years later – it was time to pay back. We learnt a lot and hope that the students did too. It was excellent to have Daniel Slunge on the team to help us out in Gothenburg and using his network to get good lecturers.





November 20, 2016

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Great talks and networking at the 2nd Nordic chapter risk meeting

Last week risk researchers and other interested in the risk field came to Gothenburg to take part in the 2nd annual meeting of the Nordic chapter of the Society for Risk analysis. Last year in Lund was successful so our expectations were high. I must say that this year became even more successful.

The keynote speakers were excellent – all of them. Read more on the web page for the conference

We had fun, the atmosphere was friendly and the topics highly relevant and interesting.

Check out the flow on twitter #srae16 to see what was going on.

A more in depth summary is available nordic_sra_meeting_gbg2016. Thanks to Randa Kachef for the reporting and the high quality photos.




Ullrika and Åsa Boholm (chair) opens the meeting. Åsa talks to the president of SRA James Lambert. Ortwin Renn in his keynote.

















At the Nordic chapter SRA business meeting Ullrika (president) and Marja (president elect) informed about the next meeting which will be in Finland 2017


The European SRA conference will be in Sweden 2018.






More keynotes: Nick Pidgeon, Sven-Ove Hansson, Barbara Czarniawska, Jaana Huso-Kallio



The Nordic chapter handed out two awards: Caroline Fredriksson for the best student presentation and Christina Mauléon & Maria Spante for the best presentation.


November 19, 2016

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The ESREL risk image competition over

This year the ESREL conference in Glasgow decided to do a risk image competition. What a wonderful idea. Time to go creative.

The task was to illustrate risk. After several months of scratching my head I saw the deadline approaching too fast.

My children came to the rescue. My oldest son had built something in lego that with some slight imagination looked like the Eiffel tower. At the same time the middle son played the board game risk, which we all know has a lot of dices in it. I was cleaning my room and found a dusty mirror in a corner.

Bam – there it was. The image illustrating what it means to assess the probability of unique event – such as a terrorist attack or something which we just have not experienced before.


litenbildriskHow do we assess the probability of a unique event? It is not repeatable. Sometimes we just have to believe – somehow. 

Did I win? Well, almost. I got in the final with a nice certificate to put on the wall.


Thanks Lesley Walls for arranging this stimulating competition





October 3, 2016

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What is Robust analysis?

Does this question appeals to you?

Do you want to apply Bayesian modelling for the purpose to quantify uncertainty and support decision making? Do you feel inspired reading texts about uncertainty? Can you tell a bee from a wasp? Do you want to do a PhD in an interdisciplinary environment?

Then perhaps our new PhD project on Robust analysis is something for you. Last day to apply is October 3rd 2016.


June 30, 2016

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Graduate course in Risk, Uncertainty and Decision Making

The course is over. Check this post for a summary.

Registration is now closed for the PhD course in risk, uncertainty and decision making.


We make a number of decisions every day. These decisions are based on conscious or unconscious analysis, as well as assessments of risks and uncertainties. We are often unaware of how we make these decisions, and how we compare alternatives. The decisions can be about everyday situations, like if to bring an umbrella, or about complex and urgent issues that face society, like issues connected with the environment or sustainability. The course focuses on a number of issues: How can risk be assessed? Can risk be quantified? How do risk assessments affect decision and policy making? What role does risk communication and media play? How do individuals perceive risks and risk management? How does the concept of risk influence the way we understand the world and try to control it? Risk, uncertainty, and decision analysis implies systematic efforts to understand the context and consequences of decisions.

The aim of the course is to give a deeper understanding of the theoretical perspectives and methods in risk research within different disciplines, and tools for interdisciplinary risk research. The course contains lectures and seminars. The lectures will provide rich accounts of different disciplinary perspectives.  The participants will in seminars get a chance to collaborate on questions requiring an interdisciplinary approach.

Target group: Graduate students from different disciplines

Extent: 7.5 credits

The course has two physical meetings:

  • October 13-14th in Lund (hosted by LUCRAM, Lund University), starts 9.00 the 13th, ends 15.00 the 14th
  • November 13-16th in Gothenburg (hosted by the School of Business, Economics and Law, Gothenburg University), starts 14.00 the 13th, ends 12.00 16th

Participants are expected to prepare in advance to the meetings by reading the assigned literature. The course is examined through attendance of the physical meetings and a completed paper where at least two themes of the course is discussed in relation to the participants PhD subject or field of interest.

The second meeting includes the second Nordic risk conference held in November 14-15th 2016. As course participant you have two options: (1)  To send in an abstract to the conference for an oral presentation. If accepted the participant should pay the conference fee to the conference organisers. The conference fee is 1000 SEK for PhD and master students (and 1500 SEK otherwise). (2) To participate in the conference without giving any oral presentation. If so, the course will compensate the conference fee after a completed course.

This course is funded by the research program LUCID and the research school ClimBECO and is given as part of the Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Managment (LUCRAM). It is open for any PhD student to attend. The number of places is limited.

Course directors: Åsa Knaggård (LU), Ullrika Sahlin (LU) och Daniel Slunge (GU).

The course will be given in English

Cost: The conference fee to attend the Nordic Chapter SRA conference

Lund – October

Where: Kärret bottom floor in the Ecology Building, Sölvegatan 37 (close to LTH student union house)
Thursday 13
9.30 to 12.00 Henrik Tehler (Division of Risk Management and Social Safety, LTH): Introduction to risk assessment
13.00 to 14.30 Annika Wallin (Department of Philosophy, Lund University): Individual decision making
14.45 to 15.45 Henrik Hassel (Division of Risk Management and Social Safety, LTH): Quantitative descriptions of risk
16.00 to 17.00 Ullrika Sahlin (Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, Lund University): Probability

Friday 14
9 to 10.30 Johannes Persson, (Department of Philosophy, Lund University): Risk philosophy
11 to 12 Frederik Lundtofte (School of Economics and Management, Lund University): Risk in an economist’s perspective
13 to 14 Literature discussion
14 to 15 Ullrika Sahlin: Mind the risk – a case-study on planning under risk and uncertainty

Göteborg – November
Sunday 13
14 to 15.15 Åsa Knaggård (Department of Political Science, Lund University): Policy-making under risk and uncertainty
15.30 to 16.45 Ragnar Löfstedt (King’s Centre for Risk Management, King’s College London): Risk communication in the 21st century
17 to 18.15 Nick Pidgeon (School of Psychology, Cardiff University): Advances in risk communication
18.30 to 19 Joint discussion with students

Monday 14
9.30 to 18 Risk conference and group discussions

Tuesday 15
9 to 13 Risk conference
14.30 to 15.30 Tomas Bergström (Institute of Biomedicine, Gothenburg University): Ticks – case-study on risk perception and risk communication
16 to 17 Daniel Slunge (Centre for Environment and Sustainability, Gothenburg University): Ticks – case-study on risk perception and risk communication

Wednesday 16
9 to 10 Daniel Slunge: Ticks – case-study on risk perception and risk communication
10.30 to 12 Ullrika Sahlin: Uncertainty


June 14, 2016

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Join the SRA-E: NORDIC meeting during the SRA conference in Bath on June 21st

The Nordic chapter of SRA Europe invites members and non-members to a chapter meeting during the SRA conference in Bath, UK.

The meeting will take place in room CB 5.6 in the Chancellors Building on Tuesday 21st June at 12.30 – 1.30pm.

It will be possible to attend the meeting via skype. Send an email to Ullrika.Sahlin [at] if you want to join.

Invitation as a pdf

Info about SRA-E:NORDIC


  1. Information about the SRA Nordic chapter

1.1. The purpose of SRA-E:NORDIC

1.2. Past activities

  1. Information of planned activities

2.1. Invitation to submit abstract and session proposals to the 2nd Nordic Chapter conference in Gothenburg Nov 2016

2.2. Planned courses in the Nordic/Baltic region (contributions are welcome)

2.3. Planned workshops in the Nordic/Baltic region (contributions are welcome)

  1. Discussions and future activities

Shared risk issues, Suggestions for policy impact, research needs etc. (contributions are welcome)

Board members:

Ullrika Sahlin, Lund University, Sweden (President for two years  – starting from June 2015)

Marja Ylönen, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland (President elect – to take over in June 2017 and then be president for two years)

Stian Antonsen, SINTEF, Norway

Susanne Öhman, Mid Sweden University, Sweden

Igor Kozine, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Aistė Balžekienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Student representatives:

Ingibjörg Lilja, University of Iceland, Iceland

Björn Arvidsson, Lund University, Sweden


June 9, 2016

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EFSAs treatment of uncertainty under trial

The way uncertainty is treated in risk assessment is under scrutiny. There is a need for this since we today face more complex problems and need to take into account possible risks for which knowledge is weak.

One example is the ongoing work in the EU on how we treat uncertainty in environmental and health risk assessments.

In March 2016 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published the draft scientific Guidance document on Uncertainty in EFSA Scientific Assessment. The Guidance has been exposed to a public consultation and stakeholders provided many comments, which now have been addressed.

According to EFSA, “the Guidance is applicable to all areas of EFSA, all types of scientific assessment and all types of uncertainty affecting scientific assessment. It does not prescribe specific methods for uncertainty analysis but rather provides a harmonised and flexible framework within which different methods may be selected, according to the needs of each assessment.”

EFSA’s scientific expert panels will use the Guidance for a trial period for about two years. In 2017 the Guidance will be revised according to the problems identified. This is a great opportunity to discuss the treatment of uncertainty, not only in EFSA’s risk assessments. We wrote an oped in Sydsvenskan about this.

EFSA is the agency responsible for the risk assessments of threats posed to living organisms for the EU commission. EFSA is situated in Parma, Italy.


May 23, 2016

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2nd Nordic chapter risk conference in Göteborg

The Nordic-Baltic chapter of Society of Risk Analysis proudly presents the call for the second Nordic chapter meeting.

The theme of the conference is “Where are we and where are we going: New insights into risk analysis in the Nordic countries”

Deadline for submission of both individual presentations and symposia is Monday 29 August.

The conference brings together individuals and organisations interested in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in Europe. The Society of Risk Analysis Europe: Nordic Chapter promotes specifically Nordic and Baltic issues in the field of risk, and aims to facilitate debate and exchanges of information and opinion between professionals in industry, government, universities, research institutes, and consultancies. It has the ambition to convene and promote scientific and educational meetings on risk research, risk analysis and risk management in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Themes for presentations may include:

  • risk communication and uncertainty
  • environmental governance
  • new technologies and innovation
  • risk framing
  • evidence-based policy making
  • new perspectives on risk assessment
  • risk and ethics
  • organizing in the face of risk
  • emerging risk issues in the Nordic and Baltic countries

The conference is hosted by Gothenburg Research Institute at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.

The conference is sponsored by the Partner Program at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.

Take the opportunity to arrange a session on a topic you think deserves to be in the spotlight or where you would like to engage in discussion and learn more.

A symposium is a topical session organized by two individuals who identifies the presenters for that session and their presentation titles, rather than relying on the conference organizers to assemble a topical session from individual abstracts.

A PhD-course on Risk is under development. The plan is to have it in Lund in October and in Gothenburg in association to the conference.

Sign up on the nordic chapter of sra newsletter to get information on what is going on.


May 16, 2016

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It is time to reconsider how we think about risk

Risk is something that concerns us all.

Risk has become an integrated part of decision making and it is acknowledged that decisions should be informed by risks. This means that a decision maker may take other things than risk into account.

Even though society efficiently are managing risks, we are now more often facing risks that are new, tricky or complex.

New global challenges or new technology create phenomena for which we have little experience or limited understanding.

Managing the most easy and obvious problems first has left decision makers with the most tricky risks to regulate.

More inter-dependencies between different societal or natural systems is challenging for the detection and control of adverse system behavior.

The new, tricky and complex results in that the risks we face today are more uncertain than before. The classical view on risk as probability * consequences is challenged by

  1. the need to consider risks of different types and
  2. the need to face uncertainty of different levels of severity.

gbgstatuesTo combat the problem for risk assessors and decision makers of today, the Society for Risk Analysis have produced a glossary presenting a broader view on risk. The glossary make a clear distinction between risk as a concept and how we choose to measure it.

Further, the SRA glossary emphasis that the quantity and quality of available knowledge should guide how we choose to describe uncertainty. This means that uncertainty are treated even though our knowledge is too weak to support uncertainty being quantified by probabilities.

It remains to see if a broader view on risk can be of help to risk assessors and decision makers. I find that it may close the gap between risk-informed and evidence-based decision making. It is more important than ever that education and training of new assessors and decision makers get exposed to the ongoing advancement of the science of risk analysis.

So, take the opportunity to revise your view on risk. Perhaps you like it : )


May 16, 2016

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