Visualisation of COVID-19 risk perception data

Researchers at the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication have published a study comparing people’s attitudes towards the risk of coronavirus, and their governments’ reactions (link to study DOI). The study compare risk perception in ten countries around the world.

This data is publicly available. We have made a visualisation of the data, including data collected after the first survey round. At this point, eleven countries are included (Australia, China, Germany, Spain, UK, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Sweden and the US). In this visualisation, we combine responses from surveys repeated over time in the same country.

Link to visualisation in English

Link to visualisation in Swedish

The purpose of the visualisation is to make it easier to get an overview of information in data and we let data speak for itself.

We have also done a summary of the Swedish data, where we compare the responses collected in March and April.

Link to visualisation of Swedish data (in Swedish)


The visualisation was made by Dmytro Perepolkin PhD student at Lund University

May 6, 2020

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