This game is a blessing, to practice your skills in guessing. Accuracy and precision, are good for a decision. Although being uncertain might seem less, it can lead to success.
Relax your winter holiday with computer games about uncertainty
The Climate-KIC Ideator project Gaming for better decisions under uncertainty is led by Ullrika Sahlin at CEC. The project aims to develop games to make people curious to know more about uncertainty. These games are designed to be entertaining for most ages.
– Working with gamification as a method for science communication has brought me new perspectives. I will use these games when I give lectures to high school students during the science fair in March – they will love it, says Ullrika Sahlin.
– There is an increasing need in society to be able to express, communicate and understand uncertainty. There is also a need to encourage scientific experts to learn more about expressing their own uncertainty, to feel more comfortable using probability and learning how to avoid being over or under confident, Ullrika continues.
Download the games from where you also can see video recordings of the games.
This text was taken from the CEC-news feed