We did it!
Thank you all for making this a successful conference.
We cover the conference in our December newsletter from the Nordic Chapter of SRA-Europe.
Check out who attended the conference
It is possible to sign up for future newsletters on the nordic chapter pages on www.sraeurope.org or by clicking on this link.
The conference got attention in local media
Take the opportunity to go over the keynote presentations again:
Science and Proven Experience by Johannes Persson, Professor in Philosophy at Lund University, Sweden
Risk Management in Practice: Lessons and Findings by Åsa Boholm, Professor in social anthropology at Gothenburg University, Sweden
Socio-economic analysis in chemicals risk management by Tomas Öberg, European CHemical Agency (ECHA), Finland
What is risk science? by Terje Aven, Professor in Risk Analysis and Safety Management at the University of Stavanger, Norway
How can Risk Assessment embrace the real world of Multiple Stressors, Accumulative Harm, and the Dearth of Data? by David Gee, Visiting Fellow, Institute of Environment, Health and Societies, Brunel University, Retired Senior Adviser on Science, Policy, Emerging Issues, European Environment Agency, Denmark
Risk risk tradeoffs: What should we do in Europe? by Ragnar Löfstedt, Professor of Risk Management and Director of King’s Centre for Risk Management, King’s College Londond, UK
Ragnar had an excellent talk without any slides.
After the conference we had a Business meeting of the SRA-E: NORDIC. We elected the board and made some decisions. Minutes are found here.