Premiere of the mini-show “The art of being uncertain” at Lund University Science Festival 15th of sept 2018

The art of being uncertain is the name of our new mini-show, which has its premiere on September the 15th at the Lund University Science Festival.

This years logo for the uncertainty show


Through games and challenges, you will learn more about different ways to express uncertainty and how uncertainty influences us as human beings.

This is an attempt to reach out with the fascinating stuff and important things to know about uncertainty. The people behind the show are Ullrika Sahlin and Rasmus Bååth.

The program for the Science festival Naturvetarstråket contains a lot of activites for a curious mind.

There will be possibilities to play games about uncertainty. These games are available on Android from google app store. The apps are found by searching for UncertainGames. There are five English (Quiztimate, BeanGuesser, ProbabilityGuess, Probability Bee and FrequencyGuesser) and one Swedish game (Gisso).

The games are also possible to download for windows and mac.


August 29, 2018

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