Course in Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory Jan/Feb 2022

The application for the graduate course Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory (NAMV005, 5 credits) is now open!

This year we do 5 meetings in January-February (four of them online and the last one on campus in Lund). PhD students, who are part of the ClimBECO research school will be given priority, but we welcome students from other research schools, as well. The course introduces Bayesian analysis using Stan (for MCMC sampling) and R (as an interface to Stan and a data analysis platform). The major part of the course covers Bayesian data analysis and statistical inference. We also put Bayesian analysis into the context related to subjective probability to quantify uncertainty and Bayesian decision theory. Application is open until 24th of December or when the spots are filled (whichever comes first). More information about the course and a link to the registration form can be found at


Ullrika Sahlin and Dmytro Perepolkin

Centre for Environmental and Climate Sciences, Lund University


November 17, 2021

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