Save the date! The fourth edition of Bayes@Lund will be held on 20 April 2017 in Lund, Sweden.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and students working with or interested in Bayesian methods. Bayes@Lund aims at being accessible to those with little experience of Bayesian methods while still being relevant to experienced practitioners.
It will feature keynote lectures from Prof. Darren Wilkinson and Prof. Richard McElreath, in addition to a number of contributed talks. On the 19th April there will be a free introductory tutorial to Bayesian analysis.
The conference is free to attend and registration will open in February. For more information see the conference web page:
*** Call for Contributions ***
We’re looking for contributed talks and any topic related to Bayesian analysis is relevant including, but not restricted to:
* Case studies. Have you used Bayesian methods in your research? Describe what you did, and how it worked out.
* Methodology development. Are you developing novel Bayesian methods that you want to share?
* Tutorial style talks. Want to share your favorite tool or modeling technique? This does not have to be novel research, just a useful tool for research!
* Teaching Bayes. Do you have experiences teaching Bayesian methods. What were the challenges, and do you have any useful tips?
To contribute a talk please send a plain text email (no pdf attachments) with the title of your talk, authors names with affiliations, email addresses, and an abstract (not more than 150 words) to
As the audience will be highly heterogeneous, the talk is expected to be accessible and engaging for a multidisciplinary audience.
Deadline for abstracts submission is the 10th of February, 2017 (notification of acceptance sent by 15 February).
Each accepted speaker is given 20 minutes (plus 5 minutes for questions).
We’re looking forward to see you in Lund!
The organizers
Umberto Picchini and Ullrika Sahlin