Bayesian Analysis for curious learners

I often get questions from students about opportunities to get started with Bayesian Analysis. Most courses in BA at Lund University is given on an advanced mathematical level, or as a few lectures (if all) in a statistics course.

Bayesian Analysis is useful both in research and decision making. Our students are the future scientists, consultants or policy makers for important environmental and societal challenges.

We should give them the possibility to expand their understanding of approaches to calculate and communicate uncertainty, in which Bayesian Analysis offer a coherent statistical framework.

We will invite students curious about Bayesian Analysis to a series of tutorials and discussions. Info about these tutorials will be posted here.

Monday Feb 29th. Bayesian modelling in JAGs. From 17 to 19. Held by Ullrika Sahlin

Code and examples from the sessoins are available on GitLab project

Coming up. Decision analysis using Bayesian Belief Networks. From 17 to 19. Held by Ullrika Sahlin

date-to-be decided. Bayesian modelling STAN

date-to-be decided. Bayesian hypothesis testing


February 12, 2016

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students teaching

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